Be prepared to see my little blue lines that I either forgot to blot out OR am having trouble getting out! I am using a Q-tip with cold water drenching it. Any tips???
My Dad used to call me "duck when I was first learning to walk...

#9 One of my first peices of dish ware to collect was by "HALL".
I love this company. They use gold on them, a bit or a lot of it in certain pieces. This square has two gold squares "kitty corner" from it... very light.

#10 The perfect ribbon! From One Hundred Wishes. Oh Merci!

#11 Growing up I loved to climb trees! Right behind our house was the most popular climbing tree around! It was called the Tarzan Tree ~ I did not name it but we all loved the name. I have played "tag" in it... did well 'til I jumped one too many times from limb to limb . Luckily grabbed enough of the trunk to slide down a bit to regain my self on another branch. Another time I was just "hanging " on a branch when I decided to go ahead and climb up into the tree ... just as a dog {known as "king .. KING OF TERROR} whooshed right under me as I raised myself up JUST in time!

#12 This is for MY Mom :) The best mom in the entire world!

#13 This is our Cat, Hobbes... selected by my son Doug who said he wanted a Black and white cat, just like his friends cat.. {name of "Buttons" and mewed just like a t.v. kitty! mew, mew.} Doug selected an ORANGE TABBY! But it mews just like a little kitty.

#14 Is it any secret? I love tulle wreaths! :)

#15 I remember getting caught in the rain on campus with my then boyfriend ...

#16 CAke :) You know who you are! :)

See you tomorrow for #17!
Links ~
One Hundred Wishes
What beautiful squares! I loved reading the stories that went with each, too :) That tiny tulle wreath is just perfect!
Those are really sweet. You have a very creative mind and cute things come out of it. :)
fab squares i am busily playing catch up too
They are each so adorable Mary!
That little cake on a stand makes me giggle :)
Looks beautiful Mary and I love how you got one of your signature wreathes in there!
I just discovered your blog through 39 Squares and I love it! Your squares are WONDERFUL! Isn't this a fun project?!
I can't wait to see the whole thing finished!!
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