My Oh MY! The Renegade Craft Fair, like the U.S. Mail, goes on no matter what the weather! Our beautiuful city of Chicago received the most rain fall in our recorded weather history! The tent took at least 30 minutes to put up!!! This is a "pop-up" style of tent, somewhat like an umbrella. Why sooo looong? It kept filling with water so fast it would become too heavy to slide up the mechanisms!!! Gallons of water at a time where emptied out!!! We were drenched and very happy to get under the tent, once it was up!!! Caitlin arranged her tent interiors beautifully!!! A special wall she designed to display her deer plaques,clocks, light box memo boards and New printed art work! And along the sides,the beautiful lights that she has been designing since winter of 2007. But this was their BIG Renegade DEBUTE!!! Oh they are so beautiful! Then it slowly started to happen... drip, drip, drop. Like the little Disney song, "Little April Showers"~
Caitlin's Dad was already all over that problem. He had gone out to Home Depote and found the perfect tarp. Large and light weight. Since all of her neighbors tents were up we used a stick and our Secret weapon! Caitlin's boy friend James! You can see James and Caitlin in the first photo. He is nice and tall! :) He is also a wonderful guy, helping Caitlin all weekend. So very nice and I now that made it great for Cailtlin. Her Brother Doug also came down to help her Saturday and Sunday. Her support group was all there and with the weather, it was a blessing! :) Yes indeed! For when Caitlin, James and Doug returned on Sunday morning two of her immediate neighbors tents were almost completely caved in by the water collecting on top! They ended up closing up. Lucky for Caitlin that she has a great tent and tarp from her Dad :)
Here is the French version of "Little April Showers"
Due to the rain, the electricity was unable to be hooked up until FINALLY the skies cleared (of rain, not clouds) late Sunday afternoon/early evening. Everyone loved how beautifully lit her tent was. The lights were beautiful!!! Oh, did I say that already! Well they were and I lOVE them!!! I WANT one BADLY!
We were all drenched for the weekend, but everyone was in good spirits!
I WILL be back tomorrow to show you a cute little something that I got at the fair. REALLY! :) I will!
Thank You for Sticking with me while I recovered from my very bad cold!!!
That tent looks so cozy and perfect for keeping the rain out.
I LOOOOOVE the lighting!!! oooh I may need a custom one!!!!
Gonna go visit your lil girl!! :)
xoxo me
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