I made up this petite pincushion for a friend who loaned me some much needed white embroidery floss one Saturday afternoon! I was working on a deadline and White floss was V.I.P. and I was with no car that day!!! She came to the rescue even though her home was in disarray with wood floors being put in and old ones being refinished! VERY SWEET!!! After all it was just floss! Thank You Mary Kay!!!
I actually had to think of whom to ask for floss. There is not alot of crafting of art projects going on around me. I first went to visit Amy. Her daughter answered and was not quite sure what embroidery floss was and thought that her Mom was not at home. Disappointed and worried (over floss!), I walked by to my home to say good bye to Caitlin, who was off to work... taking the only car left at home. sigh. I am VERY fortunate in that JoAnne Fabrics, Hobby Lobby and Michaels are all within several miles of me. TOO hot to walk. Oh I needed that floss! Amy to the rescue! She called back to say that she DID have it! She in fact used to cross stitch way back!!! She brought out her stash, all still organized on cards! Wa La! The perfect shade for my project! But alas, no white! That is when I walked down to visit Mary Kay!
Her is the petit pincushion that I made for Amy!

Well, hers is the little one in the left, foreground, above photo, and on the left in top view photo below.

If you click on the photo you can see better detail of hers. I think they turned out pretty good! I am happy!
I will let you know in a few weeks about that top secret project that I so desperately needed the floss for. I love how it turned out! Does it just not bowl you over when you finish a project that you have been working so hard on, finally really stand back and take a look and are truly amazed! Like: "Who Made this?"
WEll, I have been absent, I know. Now we really get into the menagerie!

This cat came by the other night.... Do black cats ever look friendly. WEll, of coarse when they are kittens. We did have a kitten we were fostering once that we temporarily named Henry. His had wild eyes like this cat. Not in color but in CRAZY..."I am going to have some F-U-N!" And then he would run around after the other kitty, pouncing out of nowhere. Funny thing about Henry the very adorable "LOOKING" grey kitty... he and his sisterr were adopted by the most Adorable two little girls and very nice Mom and Dad. The girls re-named them of coarse from Henry and Babette to Ernie and Bert... poor Babette! So I digress from the stray cat, but you have to admit that Babette is a great name for a pet!
Back to Pierre`! Might as well call him that. Hobbes saw him from the door and began to hiss a bit. Not as much as usual... hm, But this cat was a big cat. Not a kitty, so I was not about to go pet this guy.

He kept eating...

and Eating...

and sat up after emptying the bowl as if to say, "How about dessert!" This was actually breakfast. I had fed him dinner the night before and he left. But when I opened the curtains in the monring...like 6a.m. he was already there laying in the flower bed as if he owned the world! Well I hope he still is in the world for I have not seen him since this photo shoot!
Our Hobbes is doing great! His face is back to normal again, handsome as ever and so sweet! He is now back to waking me up wayyy too early! :)
I hope that your summer day is going wonderful!!!
So so happy that Hobbes is doing well. See - I told you he would do great! LOVE the pin cushions Mary! Esp. love those perfect little strawberries. Did you make them by hand?
Hi Mary,
Glad to hear Hobbes is doing better.
I do like this stray black kitty.
Your pin cushions are so cute!!
Can't wait to see what the floss was for. I so know what you mean, I have been making lots of crowns lately, and I stand back and say who made these? Couldn't possibly be me.
Hope you are having a great summer day too!!
Those pincushions are true eye candy! Beautiful.
Yes, the tiny strawberries are velvet and made by me :)
They were fun to figure out since I was particular on the color of velvets.
Thank you Karla!
Really nice pincushions!!! The photo of the whole collection is so pretty. Glad your kitty is better :)
Oh I wish you had called me. I have some wonderful vintage white floss. The other day I was in a Walmart where they still have a fabric department and asked the salesclerk where the floss was. She had no idea what I was talking about. ~ Lynn
Gorgeous pin cushions Mary, they're so sweet! Love the little kitty and so glad to hear Hobbes is doing great!
OMG! Those pincushions are incredible. We need to talk. ;)
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