Monday, April 21, 2014

Kidney Received!!!

Have you ever felt almost numb  unable to convey an emotion equal to the event?  That is how both my Husband and I 
both felt this past week.  You are told there will be a transplant, but you know that the rug can still be pulled out from 
under your baby, your little girl, your young adult child.  Even on the day it could still be cancelled.  The Transplant surgeons 
must like what they see once they start operating.  You know it will happen AFTER it happens.  They protect 
both recipient AND donor.  A very good thing.

Caitlin is blessed.  No doubt, a recipient of a miracle.  Caitlin received a kidney from Bridget, one of her very best friends from High School.  
They have been bests since 1993 when we moved here.  Her smile gave her away as she walked down the quiet  hospital corridor toward us 
at five~ish in the morning on Wednesday (almost 2 weeks ago now).  Her Ausie boyfriend, Myles, along side of her.   Bridget.  A wide, happy & 
wonderful smile.  Eyes twinkling.  Bridget is a most, most lovely young lady!   She has gone off to college, worked and traveled.  Now, one of 
the most important journeys of her life has been taken, the giving of her kidney, a life extending gift for our daughter, Caitlin.  In 6 weeks time, 
God Willing, Birdget will be in New Zealand soaking up the wonderful landscape, starting another chapter of her life with Myles!  

Many, many loved ones have tried  to donate, some coming very close, See Jennifer.  All willing to donate one of their own kidney's.  
All willing to sacrifice for another person!  Some related, some good friends.  Pretty cool.

*To all who donate ~ THANK YOU!
*To all who try to donate ~ THANK YOU!
*To all who support, give after transplant care for their loved ones ~ THANK YOU!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Mary,

That is such wonderful news and you and Caitlin have often been in my thoughts and prayers. Miracles do happen and I am so happy for you all. Wishing Caitlin and Bridget all the very best and a big hug to you. This must have been such a difficult time for you all and glad that you now have Joyous times ahead.

Carolyn said...

Hi, recently launched a free interactive "Human Body Maps" tool. I thought your readers would be interested in our body map of the kidney:

It would be much appreciated if you could include this tool on and / or share with friends and followers. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance.
Warm Regards,

Maggie Danhakl- Assistant Marketing Manager
p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

Healthline Networks, Inc. * Connect to Better Health
660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107