Monday, June 29, 2009

Sounds of Summer

The windows are once again open here in our home. I am loving it! Such wonderful weather after a week of above 90 with humidity! I actually sat out on our patio on Sunday! AND WITH my CAMERA!!! Yes, I actually thought to take pictures!!! See, my husband, K.C. has always been "Joe Camera" in our family. Thankfully! We have nice family shots:)

3 phases of wind: *to see correct third photo go to my flickr page
P6280011 "Summer Breeze" "Summer Breeze"

Out on the patio the wind was blowing the trees around, tosseling them a bit wildly, like when you get out of your car and your hair is flying all over the place and you can not see! Pony tail weather.
The sounds that the trees made reminded me of my summers at Lake Michigan with my family. We went there every summer for a week of camping~ such glorious FUN! We also would take day trips. It was only an hour and a half from our home. Our friends owned a beautiful camp ground on Lake Michigan. We would camp in between two dunes... about 75 feet for tents on either side of the sidewalk. The sidewalk was cement and it led happy families and teenagers from the parking lot and wonderful little camp store through the little camp set ups then opening up to looking down at the beautiful beach...sun, sand ,waves and laughter. So many happy times there. It was were I would see teenagers having dances after dark and sneaking kisses from there girlfriends behind beach hats. Older boys thinking I was cute and best of all, my brother swinging down from the above dune on a vine right over our tent!!!!! Now that is fun! Well, we thought so, our parents did not agree :)
Are you hearing any sounds that take you back to a special time, event or place?
Please share with us:)



Draffin Bears said...

Lovely post Mary.

What a neat thing remembering the holidays you shared with your family when you were young.

They seemed to be carefree days.
I can recall having holidays in the Summer with my family and from first thing in the morning we would be out playing on the beach in the sun all day.


{oc cottage} said...

Such a cute post! But I just couldn't think of a sound that reminded me of summer, but as I sat here surfing, I heard that familiar rumble, the one that tells us that it's 9:30 in the OC all throughout the summer...the Disneyland fireworks! That might seem weird, but it's sure the sound of summer to me!

m ^..^

Diaspora groups India said...

What I love about summer is that you can relax have a great time with your family and enjoy, have fun.

decorators fabricche said...

Nice summer pictures it made me remember all the summer fun I have with my family and friends. Thanks.