My latest project! I have no before shots for I jumped in after years of deliberating on getting rid of this piece. This shelf; purchased at a craft fair years ago in Plymouth, MI with my husband. We placed it on the wall in our new home and important objects adorned it.

But times changed and it came down as we moved to a new home. It sat neglected in the spare closet (now my studio), briefly made its way into a corner in the office, then taking a trip south to the basement. Neglected. Weak attempts to revive it as I once a year thought about it. I neglected to delve into it's possibilities. Luckily it's neglect did not cause deterioration.

No one threw it in the trash or used it for bon fire wood. It was there, in the basement waiting for me. Lucky ME!
Inspired by Kath Kidston I found a nice green paint color. After TWO attempts for the Cheeper company to mix my paint with the "exact" recipe from the original paint company (not Kath's) I went to Michaels and mixed up my own recipe to match that lovely shade of green that Kath uses.
*(to save on the quantity and cost of the paint I did not go to my usual favorite paint store...)

So there you have it. Once again beautifully adorned and giving warmth and new purpose to a little hallway leading into the dining room.
A little neglect may breed great mischief. ~ Ben Franklin
Oh phooey - My computer isn't showing the pictures for some reason but I bet it looks awesome!
Glad you gave your shelf another chance to glow. Its looking good and platters made it even prettier.
I am hosting a giveaway on my blog, youre welcome to come by and check it out.
Mary, what a pretty shelf! Great color! I visit your blog often and always love it!
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