Her name is Kailey! And no she is not mine and no you can not have her, sorry. She belongs to a friend whom is off on a great, week long vacation with her daughters! This is a girls only vacation for them, but Kailey was not invited, whine, whine, whine!
She misses them alot. The neighbor hood is deserted and this pup is LONELY! She LOVES people. If she were a person I guess she would be, Doris Day or Beyounce'. She is fun and playful and likes to be with people. I mut say it is a whole lot of fun watching her play with her toys. This can be a one dog only play time or a dog and human game. She takes a toy in her mouth, gives it a good shake and a little growl... as if she is so fierce. Hahaha that is a laugh. Her only chance of "getting a person" is by drowning them with puppy licks. She tosses the toy around or lets you throw them and she retrieves them , placing them in a little pile, then grabs one of the toys and brings it over to me for another round. She will also come up onto your lap and take a little nap if you are sitting long enough. She is a sweet pup.
Pup is the name I give to all sweet dogs. My son Douglas called his little pound puppy "Pups". Such a dear honest name. Doug also named Hobbes, our cat.

You may wonder how Hobbes is fairing with this occasional guest during the daytime. Well, he is very hospitable. He does not bother the pup nor go and hide. In fact he has let this sweet pup get within 2 feet of him... and then that sweet little dog went running after Hobbes and Hobbes took off for refuge. The second time that this happened Hobbes outsmarted the dog. He took off with her running after him but somehow lost her as she went upstairs and he opened the basement door and went down stairs for some peace and quiet.
Hobbes: "Hmmm, I wonder if that little rag-a-muffin will be coming over today?"

My computer is well again and if she gets ill one more time... Thank you for stopping by to visit and to check-up on me! I love hearing form you all! Have a great day!!!
What a cutie! How fun to be puppy sitting. She must be brining a lot of joy during her visit.
Oh my Mary I can only imagine the fun a little puppy around. Good to hear from you...
oh i love the little puppy, they are so much fun to watch when they play and make that funny litle angry noise aren't they!
Such a cute puppy!
Adorable puppy, and kitty cat, too I must say!! Enjoy your houseguest!
Teresa McFayden
Oh my gosh...those furry little faces are killing me!! The one of Hobbes looking ut of the window is precious!!
I guess she is Maltese?
That is "my" breed :) I've had three of them.
Oh Mary, what a darling sweet puppy and you must be enjoying looking after her.
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