This is a picture Doug took of the screen printing that he did for his girlfriend's GrandParents 50th WEDDDING ANNIVERSAY! They are a very sweet couple. Doug and Monica worked very hard on the program, place cards, menu, invitations... all of the necessary prining! It looked beautiful when finished. The mass where they re-newed their vows was beautiful, and the reception was a tremendous amount of fun! I have never had a goal of being married 50 years but I do have a goal to live as long as I am needed here and to "look" good when I am older. "Look" good means Beautiful white hair, with a glow in my cheeks and a "skip" in my step, and I can remember where I just "skipped" from! Hopefully helping out with grandchildren and whom ever needs a hand. And of coarse that my honey is next to me/ me next to him.
I am very busy getting organized and starting the projects for you! I have found some beautiful charms for the necklaces and some pieces for the collages. : )
But the news today is NEW ROOF! It is going to be a beautiful roof on a simple roof line. Ok, the real news! Have you ever seen roofers? I had an early sampling yesterday while they did my neighbors roof. They are talkative and excitable! They speak in the language of their home country which I do not know if it is Italy, Russia or Poland! They are energetic, very hard working and oh so cute! I usually do not notice or care about those things but these men, of all ages, are having so much fun! I wish you could hear them talking! They laugh and joke all while they are non stop working! Yes they are tone and tanned, all by good hard work, BUT the clincher is that they have a gusto for life. OOh so nice! I wish this wonderful recipe for life for US ALL!!! Have a great Friday!
Can't wait to see what wonderful things you are coming up with. So interesting that you blogged about Doug's girlfriend's parents - my in-laws are celebrating their 40th wedding annivesary this month and I am in the midst of planning their suprise brunch we will be having in August!
Love the anniversary party stuff.
Have a great weekend!
I just pray you are not having a tear-off done. That ruins the charm pretty quickly.
As for the ooooh-la-la factor of home imrpovement men, my vote goes for masons -- the bricklayers who had to haul bucketloads of brick up to our chimney (old tall house, high roof) were something to see... They were very knowledgable too.
Oh I hear you whistling at those men Mary! Surely there is something around our place that needs fixing up...
Made ya blush!
Couldn't find your email address...Laura Florand wrote Blame it on Paris and has a blog! She is from Georgia. Met and fell in love with a Frenchman in Paris...I'm not telling anymore...you must buy the book!
Mary, what pretty programs, etc!! Doug is very talented at printing. That is exactly what I'll be doing tomorrow ~ trying to set up the format for my daughter's wedding program.
Did you ever make any more miniature chandeliers? Would appreciate a heads up when you do.
Angelic Accents
your discription my dear, is precisely why I married a roofing contractor many years ago! oh la la!
Haha! Good roofers always know how to keep their clients cheerful and entertained. =) These contractors, being jolly and focused at their work at the same time, are perfect examples of good service. It simply proves that your neighbors made the right choice of selecting dependable roofers who can fix their roof problems.
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