Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Happy Summer!  I am a bit late to the party but you cannot deny, summer has bloomed!  Summer brings a heavenly
Mock Orange, several Clematis, a tall Daisy, white Lilies,  a scented yellow Day Lily variety and a Sweet Pea around
our mail box with a will of it's own!

I do love cutting what I can and bringing in vases of flowers for neighbors & friends and for our own home as well.
Here we have some sweet, slightly shabby, Raspberry Sundae Peonies.

One last bouquet for the year ~

I hope these lovely flowers are a nice peace offering to you.  I have been a neglectful Blogger for some time now.
Yes, I have been taking care of family and home on a bit oaf an amped up speed.  Caitlin is doing very well now and
I do Thank God along with all of your thoughts and prayers.   Yet, it is now time to return to my friends here and look
forward to new ones...  to get back to a bit of a day.  Yet we will never be the same.  We have grown and stretched and
re-prioritized.  THAT is the clincher, some things are much more important now.  Family and home are more than ever in my heart.

Miracles DO happen, everyday. 


Draffin Bears said...

Happy summer to you Mary and so glad to hear that Caitlin is doing well.
I so agree with you family and home takes first place.
Love your pretty flowers.

Unknown said...

Hello Mary,
Thank you for your kind words to me.
I have found him on flea market in France.
I´m very happy.
Have a good new start with your wonderful Blog.
Love the poenies.
Many Greetings from Germany