I started out slowly, ripping out each row until it held the correct number of stitches. Proceeding to the next row and next, until the thrill of learning another new stitch, the popcorn stitch. I was like a cowgirl in the rodeo arena wrapping and wrapping the rope around a cow, calf or steer??? Well, I was crazy with speed, wrapping the yarn around my crochet hook and fingers, getting tied up in my own yarn! I loved it but soon realized that I better slow down in order to have a finished product that somewhat resembled a round disc, and consequently a beautiful round pillow.

After going to find yarn for three days in a row... I came up with two types of pink yarn, one a man made bright pink and the other a cotton, that fades in and out of pinks and white. I also used the white from the popcorn stitch again in the flower and a cotton aqua. There is most likely some rule/guideline about types of yarns, weights etc. to use in a project. Following pattern directions would be a good start for me! But, I was possessed with this project. I could not wait for each new row and the challenges (for me) it presented. I did feel like I was back in Junior high school, going to the fabric store trying to find the perfect fabric for a skirt when it only existed in the workrooms of the designers whose garments I would drool over in Seventeen Magazine. I did get a scoop on a farm about 30 minutes away that is operated by an 18 year old girl who raises her own special sheep and cards, dyes, etc. etc. the wool. She then offers her own yarn for sale in a wonderful shop for a very pretty penny (deservingly so)... out of my budget and more importantly my talent for the moment.
I love my beautiful, round, popcorn stitch, flower pillow. I love it. I Thank Nicki Trench and Zara Poole for the directions for this wonderful project in Vintage Crochet, by Susan Cropperand Alicia Paulson for her help AND all of the crocheting she has shared at Posey Gets Cozy. Last but not least, my beautiful friend Jean who started me off in this wildly wonderful adventure.
I am VERY excited about a NEW design plan! I am sooo excited. The possibilities are vast! I can not share right now, but will as soon as I can.
Stay warm out there on the east coast, Spring is near.
Oh Mary! It is stunning! Fantastic job girl!
I agree with Karla, it is just beautiful.... stunning is the perfect word. I'm so envious of your skill!
I have justfound your blog and have enjoyed my visit - thank you.
Your crochet work is lovely and you must be feeling happy to have mastered a new skill.
My Mum used to do a lot of crocheting.
Also love your pretty china ~ isn't it lovely to drink tea from a nice cup and saucer.
Ohhhhhhhh this is so so so so so SWEET!! I LOVE it!!! How exciting!!! I cannot wait to see your next project!!
You are so fabulous!!!!
Beautiful work!!!...as always!!!!
XOXO Jenny
This is my first visit. I love the pillow and your color combinations are delicious.
I'm laughing over De Finition!!! You funny creative girl!
Your pillow is a one of a kind beauty! I'm so glad you learned a new skill...and I am impressed with it. It looks hard to me!
Thanks for the compliments on my "stack up" ...do you know I almost didn't show it thinking it wasn't that great?
I felt good about the pillows though LOL ;) I'm planning a "pillow fight" for my slumber party :)
Wonderful job Mary ~ it turned out very cute!
Mary, that pillow is truely amazing. Can you send Jean my way? I want to start crocheting after seeing your gorgeous pillow.=)
What a wonderful job ...it's totally amazing. I love the combination of stitches and the color. Can't wait to see more!
This is a lovely pillow. So nice to find my way here. Your site is a pleasure to browse.
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