Oh dear! I have a new habit. Let me explain...
It took me, hmm 3 years to develop it! I was browsing around Michael's innocently enough when we met. No not the crochet hook. Jean. A most lovely and dear woman. She was in the aisle with the booklets on various needle crafts. Somehow we started to converse and by the time we parted we had exchanged phone numbers and set a time and place to meet. Jean is an expert crocheter. She can crochet those beautiful doilies and table scarves, etc. Her gift is great and she was on the prowl for a student! Those first few meetings she tried to explain how to hold the crochet hook , how to handle the yarn.... I was not a pretty sight. I was not grasping the idea at all. Finally she suggested that I just keep moving along with my chain stitch and it would all work itself out as I crotched more.
After a few classes I became busy with constructing my Christmas buildings for a shop in town (pre-blog and etsy days) and did not have the time for learning another craft! jeesh! How could I even think of another project let alone another field all together! I was not "hooked" yet.
Fast forward to to the present time where something is clicking in me, was it time. ??? Go figure, for I can not. It just came to me and now I am going to learn. I will see if Jean is still available ~ to me. Perhaps she has banned me for my abandonment of her... I still feel very bad. But I think I can do it now.
I am excited. My yarn and package of crochet hooks came from JoAnne (50% off coupon! I love the shades of green. It reminds me of the fresh green grass... and flowers will look lovely against it! EXCITING!
I can make my very own spring. Well, hopefully! I will keep you updated! :)
Hi Mary ~ can't wait to see your creations! I love to crochet..but can never find time to do it!
How exciting! Taking on a new adventure ...crocheting! Great fun! I'm teaching a class right now on Beginning Crochet! Go figure! Two of the three students are stumbling, but gosh we are laughing a lot! Now what could be more fun than that? Good luck in your new adventure. Can't wait to see what you design!
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